Three Things You Can Do to Improve Insulin Sensitivity

If you’re concerned about blood sugar, you’re likely familiar with terms like “insulin resistance” and “insulin sensitivity.”

Insulin is a hormone in your body that helps deliver glucose – or sugar – to your tissue to be used for energy. When blood sugar levels are too high, and insulin is constantly being excreted from the pancreas, tissue may become “insulin resistant.”

Basically, this means tissue does not absorb sugar and stays in the bloodstream.

Ideally, you want to boost insulin sensitivity, so glucose is easily and readily absorbed, and blood glucose stays low.

But can you naturally reduce insulin resistance and boost insulin sensitivity, thus lowering the risk for heart disease and type-2 diabetes?

The answer is yes. There are things you can do to improve insulin sensitivity and ultimately lower blood sugar levels.

One of them is exercise. Research suggests that regular exercise improves glucose metabolism and helps regulate blood sugar levels. The reason is that your muscles draw on glucose to contract. Getting at least 30 minutes of exercise per day can help set you down the right path.

Eating more fiber-rich fruit and vegetables can also help. These foods help prevent large spikes in blood sugar that can be overwhelming for your metabolism. Use these and low-sugar snacks like nuts to start making a dent in blood sugar levels.

Switching from refined grains to whole grains can also help. But remember, these food choices can only make a difference if you limit your intake of high-sugar processed foods and beverages.

These two steps should help promote weight loss, which is another crucial component of improving insulin sensitivity. Using lifestyle measures and developing routines that contribute to long-term and manageable weight loss and maintenance is the best approach.

Using fad diets and trying to lose weight quickly can pose more metabolic problems than solutions and often result in blood sugar levels and weight going higher than before.

Aim to make slow overall lifestyle changes that can be maintained and adhered to for the long-term. Shooting to lose about 1-2 pounds per week with a plan that doesn’t leave you feeling hungry or worn out is the best path to long-term success.



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